PICK UP Meaning in Hindi PICK UP का मतलब हिंदी में Translation of PICK UP in Hindi
Suggested Words
Word | Meaning in English | Usage of word |
दोस्ती बनाना ( dosti banana ) | PICK UP ( Verb ) | He picked up the book and started to read |
पाना ( pana ) | PICK UP ( Verb ) | He picked up the book and started to read |
सुधार आना ( sudhar Ana ) | PICK UP ( Verb ) | He picked up the book and started to read |
फिर से शुरु करना ( phir se shuru karana ) | PICK UP ( Verb ) | He picked up the book and started to read |
ढूढ्ॅ लेना ( DhuDh lena ) | PICK UP ( Verb ) | He picked up the book and started to read |
देखना ( dekhana ) | PICK UP ( Verb ) | He picked up the book and started to read |