Word Meaning Usage of Word
गोबर साफ करना ( gobar saph karana ) MUCK OUT ( Verb )
विकलांग सहायता भत्ता ( vikalanag sahayata bhatta ) MOBILITY ALLOWANCE ( Noun )
मुंह फुलाने की मुद्रा ( munah phulane ki mudra ) MOUE ( Noun )
धर्म नाटक ( dharm naTak ) MIRACLE PLAY ( Noun )
पैसे भरे थैले ( paise bhare thaile ) MONEY BAGS ( Noun ) The money bags were transported safely.
आपत्ति होना[करना] ( Apatti hona[karana] ) MIND ( Verb ) He does not mind the noise. He does not mind if I borrow his books. I do not mind him smoking occasionally.
मार्क्सवादी ( marksavadi ) MARXISIST ( Noun ) Chainas leaders are devoted marxisists.
मोटर बोट ( moTar boT ) MOTOR BOAT ( Noun )
निपटाना ( nipaTana ) MOP UP ( Verb )
एक स्वर/एक ताल ( ek svar/ek tal ) MONOTONIC ( Adjective ) Sa,Re,Ga,Ma are the basic monotonics in Indian classical music.